With the whirlwind of events unfolding in the next two months, there’s a fertile ground for fresh thoughts, observations, and commentary. We must look beyond the polls and examine the nefarious strategies at play. This is our final opportunity to make a choice.
Teflon Don
He is more successful and cunning than James Bond, Flash Gordon, or Houdini. The quaint notion that no one is above the law? Clearly, that’s a myth.
He survived the Mueller investigation, aided by his chief consigliere, William Barr. He was acquitted in two impeachment trials, thanks to a complicit and shameless political party. The Supreme Court nullified Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, despite his evident guilt in fomenting an insurrection. The meticulous January 6th Congressional Committee proved this, yet no justice has been served. I highly encourage you to watch the suburb Rachel Maddow inspired documentary: From Russia with Lev. He warns us the Russians are at it again.
To date, he hasn’t paid any of the multi-million dollar civil judgments against him. The New York case lingers despite a unanimous jury finding him guilty of 34 counts of criminal fraud. Justice delayed is justice denied.
From Florida to Georgia, his manipulation of the judicial system continues unchecked. With Mitch McConnell’s assistance, he has stacked the Supreme Court in his favor, shielding himself from accountability. No other American could escape these charges.
He has never been held accountable, never taken responsibility. The blame is always deflected, and his lies have numbed the nation. We are at a critical juncture. It’s time to wake up and act. It’s later than you think, brother (a line from On the Beach).
Beware the Sound of the Sirens
In the end, what is more daunting and frightening is the nature of the would be tyrant. He is everyone and no one. He is just the mouthpiece for the masses. How could this be so close? John Boehner once said a man without a following is a man walking alone. We are trying to reckon with the notion of the con man with so much credibility. That is the definition of a con man. “Don’t you have confidence in my words and promises?”
He is our modern day Rasputin. Savonarola. PT Barnum.
Wake up America. It is now up to each one of us to participate and make our voices heard.
call of the wild