Trump Zombies
Trump is channeling PT Barnum, Mussolini (El Duce), and Silvio Berlusconi. Now go watch Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The original 1950’s version. Dupes and rubes. Now Zombies.
Trump is channeling PT Barnum, Mussolini (El Duce), and Silvio Berlusconi. Now go watch Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The original 1950’s version. Dupes and rubes. Now Zombies.
Jon Stewart with his usual sharp wit and incisive commentary. He mentions a vision that I have been quoting for months. Go watch the 1950’s version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
He never really wanted to be President. It’s all a giant ruse for all these dupes. Quoted from Donald Trump truthers: Theories spread he’s trying to sabotage campaign after his disastrous week from hell “I believe Trump senses he is in over his head and doesn’t really want the nomination,” said one GOP strategist SEAN ILLING TOPICS: DONALD TRUMP, ELECTIONS 2016, REPUBLICAN PARTY, ELECTIONS NEWS, NEWS, POLITICS NEWS Donald Trump (Credit: AP/Gene J. Puskar) Even by Donald Trump’s standards,…